If you have a question, please see the list of frequently asked questions below.
If you have a question, please see the list of frequently asked questions below.
The Bicester Collection team has put together the following list of some of the more common questions they get asked. If you have a query, concern or comment about our booking service or website that is not answered then please contact us.
Tickets can be booked online at https://www.thebicestervillageshoppingcollection.com/e-commerce/en/wv/gift-card
If you have booked your tickets online and wish to cancel your booking please click on MANAGE YOUR BOOKING.
You will then be required to enter your e-mail address and reservation number.
If you have booked your tickets locally then you will not be able to cancel your booking online. You will need to cancel your tickets with the bus company with whom you booked your Shopping Express™ tickets originally.
If you have booked your tickets online and wish to amend your booking please click on MANAGE YOUR BOOKING.
You will then be required to enter your e-mail address and reservation number. If you have booked your tickets locally then you will not be able to amend your booking online.
You will need to amend your reservation with the bus company with whom you booked your Shopping Express™ tickets originally.
You will receive a booking confirmation by email with a booking reference number. Please use this as your “Shopping Express™ Ticket” and present this at the departure point. You will also receive an SMS text message confirming your reservation, no. of tickets purchased and the booking reference number.
If you have a query, concern or comment about our booking service or website, please don't hesitate to let us know. We are constantly striving to improve our service to you.
You can send our Customer Services team an email at SE@TheBicesterVillageShoppingCollection.com - our aim is to respond to you within 2 days.
However, if you are experiencing problems completing a booking, we will aim to respond within 4 hours.
We'd love to hear from you.
It is a prepaid Gift Card that can be used at participating boutiques in Wertheim Village.
No, the Gift Card is a prepaid card that can be loaded with any value from €5 to €300 for online purchases or from €5 to €1,000 (subject to approval) when purchasing in person from the Tourist Information Centre at Wertheim Village.
You can purchase a Shopping Card online at www.WertheimVillage.com/shopping-card or in person from the Tourist Information Centre at Wertheim Village.
To purchase the Wertheim Village Shopping Card online visit https://www.thebicestervillageshoppingcollection.com/e-commerce/en/wv/gift-card and select the value and quantity of Shopping Cards you would like to order up to a maximum value of €300 per transaction. You will then be asked to supply the following information:
1. The recipient’s name
2. Your preferred delivery method – either collect in Village or post to an address in Germany (noting postage charges will apply)
3. Your billing and credit/debit card details for payment
There is no limit on the number of Gift Cards you can purchase online, however the total transaction value cannot exceed €300 per credit/debit card, per day.
To purchase multiple Gift Cards of the same value in the same transaction use the quick multi order tool by visiting https://www.thebicestervillageshoppingcollection.com/e-commerce/en/wv/gift-card.
Please note all cards will need to be sent to the same delivery address.
Make sure the expiration date on your card matches the expiration date in your bank’s system. Also, the address on your credit or debit card statement needs to be exactly the same as the one you enter on the order.
If you are still experiencing difficulties please contact Customer Services on +49 (0) 9342 91 99 100 during opening hours.
For purchases online, choose a set value from €5 to €300. The total online checkout value cannot exceed €300 in one transaction, per credit/debit card, per day.
For purchases in person at the Wertheim Village Tourist Information Centre, choose a value between €5 and €1,000 (subject to approval). A valid photo ID is required for purchases of €100 or more.
No, Gift Card orders cannot be amended or cancelled once purchased online.
The Gift Card will be presented in an elegant wallet with the Gift Card Value and expiration date hand-written on the back. The Recipient Name and Sender Name fields will be left blank for you to complete.
During the online booking process you can choose to either collect the Shopping Card in the Village or have it delivered to an address within Germany (noting postage charges will apply).
Yes, to collect your Gift Card in the Village you will be required to present a copy of your booking confirmation email and proof of ID on arrival at the Tourist Information Centre.
Delivery date will depend on the shipping option you selected during the online booking process. Details of the various shipping options can be viewed by visiting https://www.thebicestervillageshoppingcollection.com/e-commerce/en/wv/gift-card and clicking on the Information tooltip next to ‘Select Shipping Option’.
That choice is entirely up to you.
You may select different recipients. Once you have added a Gift Card to your Shopping Cart, you can then add another Gift Card for a different recipient. You will be asked to provide the delivery details for each recipient, or alternatively they can collect their Gift Card in the Village by presenting a copy of their booking confirmation email on arrival at the Tourist Information Centre.
Each recipient will receive a booking confirmation email detailing their name, unique booking reference number and the value of their Gift Card.
Please note different recipients cannot be specified if you choose to purchase multiple Gift Cards via our quick multi order tool.
The value on your Gift Card expires 12 months after the date of activation. After this date the Gift Card cannot be used and any remaining balance will become invalidated.
1. Go to www.WertheimVillage.com/shopping-card and click on ‘Check your balance online’. Or,
2. Call the number on the back of your Shopping Card: 01801 003 831.
No, but you can order a new Shopping Card at https://www.thebicestervillageshoppingcollection.com/e-commerce/en/wv/gift-card or from the Wertheim Village Tourist Information Centre.
The value of your Gift Card may be combined with cash when making a purchase. At the discretion of each merchant, the value of your Gift Card may also be combined with a debit or credit card.
To access the full Gift Card terms and conditions please click here: https://vrdigitalprodcmsmedia.blob.core.windows.net/prod-wv/2914/wertheim-village-shopping-card-giftcard-terms-and-conditions-en.pdf
For all corporate order enquiries please call +49 (0) 9342 91 99 100.
For general enquiries regarding the Wertheim Village Shopping Card please contact us on +49 (0) 9342 91 99 100.